There are so many ways to do art, so many styles I don't even know the name of. Sometimes I look at a style and think I would like to try it too. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. And sometimes I do and find that maybe that style is not for me. For example, I love looking at pages filled with various pieces. You know the one, where you'd have a flower, a tree, a hand, a cube, a pinecone, and a chair all on the same page, slightly overlapping. I think it looks awesome and I would love to do it myself, but I can't, it throws me off. When I draw I need to have either the page carefully sectioned in advance or have the whole page available only for this one subject I'm drawing.
What I ultimately want to achieve by trying out these styles is finding my own style. I think I am there, maybe, but not yet. Drawing is a work in progress, I wouldn't want to be stuck in one spot, I want to keep developing. And finding own style requires seeing other styles, taking something from here and there and adapting various techniques. Plainly put, making it as you go.