Thursday, July 27, 2023

Thoughts about drawing and how I do it

There are so many ways to do art, so many styles I don't even know the name of. Sometimes I look at a style and think I would like to try it too. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. And sometimes I do and find that maybe that style is not for me. For example, I love looking at pages filled with various pieces. You know the one, where you'd have a flower, a tree, a hand, a cube, a pinecone, and a chair all on the same page, slightly overlapping. I think it looks awesome and I would love to do it myself, but I can't, it throws me off. When I draw I need to have either the page carefully sectioned in advance or have the whole page available only for this one subject I'm drawing.

What I ultimately want to achieve by trying out these styles is finding my own style. I think I am there, maybe, but not yet. Drawing is a work in progress, I wouldn't want to be stuck in one spot, I want to keep developing. And finding own style requires seeing other styles, taking something from here and there and adapting various techniques. Plainly put, making it as you go. 

Friday, July 07, 2023

Online cat people suck

Yancy Min

Full disclosure: I am an online cat people.

Whenever you try and ask for advice online relating to a cat, you encounter tens of comments telling you how bad of a cat person you are. You should have done that, you should do this other thing, you should definitely not do this, are you crazy? 

Here's the thing. This person comes and asks a question, from this we can deduce that this person might not know, if they would know maybe they would not have been in the situation they are describing. Or, they don't have the resources or the ideas to do something one certain way or at a particular time so they are looking for alternatives. Let's stop assuming the worst. Just by asking that's a huge important step, it's clear they want to learn and do better. 

So, cat people online, chill, help if you want to help because you are not achieving anything by making someone feel bad for asking. Actually, you do achieve something, you make people reluctant to ask, and then they don't learn and then the cats suffer, not because of ill intention, but because of adversity. 


Good talk.