Thursday, December 25, 2014

Craciun fericit!

Vă doresc Crăciun Fericit alături de 
cei dragi! Să aveți parte de zile cu 
adevărat magice și pline de bucurie!

Crăciun Fericit! 
Buon Natale!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Music Recommendation #01

Mă gândeam să postez câte o melodie dintre cele care îmi plac foarte mult și totodată să vă și recomand melodiile mele preferate. Nu voi încărca postările cu orice altceva decât titlul și linkul melodiilor, așadar, sper să vă placă și poate să descoperiți noi artiști sau genuri muzicale care să vă încânte urechiile.

I was thinking about posting some of my favourite songs on here, and at the same time to recommend them. I don't plan on writing anything more than the titles of the songs on the future posts, so I hope you will like them, and that maybe you'll find new artists and genres that will soothe your souls.

Hollywood Undead - Bullet

Sunday, May 18, 2014

When bullshit happens

Am tot vrut sa scriu pe blog și acum nu prea am chef the scris, and still, maybe I do have to write this.

I'm good, I got a job, it's a bit harder with college, but I hope I will be able to manage it. And I start to really dislike people that make remarks about what I should do. Well, someone in particular. For those kind of people, fuck you! Go straight to wherever you want, far away from me. No one did what I did, the way I did it, no one made the decisions I made, no one had to live my life, no one asked them, so for those people, go fuck yourselves. It's not your life, you have no fucking right to tell anyone what they should do with theirs, especially when you didn't fucking bother to ask them if they are fine, if they can handle it, what are the options, especially when you didn't fucking care what they are doing although you are calling yourself their friend. That's bullshit, and I'm tired of bullshit. 

Fuck you!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

s p r i n g

さくら* by ayadiary

I kinda forgot about spring. Just like that. I kinda forgot that 1st March is a bit of a big deal. If I wouldn't have forgotten, maybe I would have called some people, send some messages to wish a happy spring, stuff of no apparent importance.

Then I remembered that spring has arrived. Actually it was reminded to me. I thought it was okay, still have time to tell people stuff, but then I forgot again. It was reminded to me for the second time by the spring itself, and that felt amazingly good. Spring is such a happy season, and it gently reminded me that. It wasn't mad. I like spring more than I thought I do.

And after I enjoyed spring's gentleness, I was sad. And happy. Then I got careless, and was angry, but calmed for a moment when I saw spring again. I got back on being angry just after that moment. 

I can only suppose right now that spring isn't mad. I hope so. Such a beautiful season couldn't be mad, right? It could however, be sad. Sometimes. Maybe.

Happy Spring, everyone!

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

メルー クリスマスとあけましておめでとうございます!

Nu mă pricep deloc, deloc la urări de niciun fel, dar sper că ați avut un Crăciun Fericit și un An Nou Fericit, an nou care sper să fie la fel de fericit cum sper că a început. În titlu vă urez aceste lucruri în japoneză pentru că nu am cum să scap de micuța mea plăcere și poate obsesie. Titlul se citește Merii Kurisumasu to Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu și înseamnă Crăciun Fericit și An Nou Fericit.

Am cam întârziat cu postările pe blog și am câteva lucruri să vă povestesc, dar cred că voi face asta puțin mai încolo. Sper să aveți parte doar de împliniri, multă sănătate și să fiți așa cum vă doriți, oameni frumoși mereu cu zâmbetul pe buze.

Multe îmbrășisări și toate urările de bine pe care nu le pot pune în cuvinte.