Saturday, September 26, 2020

Two more books by Louisa May Alcott


I would put the titles of the books instead of 'two more books', but they are so long! The books are The Abbot's Ghost, or Maurice Treherne's Temptation: A Christmas Story and Behind a Mask; or, a Woman's Power. Just look at those titles. 

Moving along, when I wrote about Little Women I mentioned at the end of the post that the books Louisa May Alcott wrote under the pseudonym A. M. Barnard were more appealing to me. I downloaded then these two books and I was pretty eager to start reading them. Of course, it took my a while to do so and today I put in extra effort to finish reading the second book.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Eyeglasses. Or look, individual leaves!

I spend a lot of time on my laptop or staring at my phone, like a lot of other people. There's reading going on various sites, apps and novels (I have a timer on the app I use for books that lets me know when I should take a break, but I always ignore it) so eye straining happens. Because of that my eyes got stingy and red and they even hurt. After I got asked for the umpteenth time if I don't get enough sleep I decided that's it, I have to go get my eyes tested. So I made an appointment. 

Good news is my eyes are healthy. Bad news is I do need glasses (but not for reading, surprisingly). Worse news is I knew for a while that I needed glasses. 

Friday, September 18, 2020

Masquerade Hotel film

Masquerade Hotel is a long waited film by me. I looked it up all over the place (that being the Internet), but couldn't find it until one day when I just stumbled across it by mistake. I don't even remember what I was looking for, chances are I was randomly browsing films hoping to find something to watch when there it was. I did not hesitate and hit play immediately. 

Monday, September 14, 2020

Diary of J. Long Distance Relationships.

A while ago I said I am thinking of re-writing / translating / whatever some of my previous dear diary posts. Well, here I am, this is the first one. But before I go into my experience with long distance relationships and how I view them, the photo you see on this post is taken by Mathyas Kurmann.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Julie & Julia

Once in a while I go through all the films some of the actors I like have been in and pick one to watch. Usually I read the synopsis, check the ratings and if everything looks good to me, I dump the film on my watchlist. The films can stay on my watchlist for months before I actually watch them, and some I remove without even bothering to try and watch. 

I don't know why I do that. Maybe some of them sound interesting to me when I first find them, but I'm not in the mood when I want to watch something so after I skip them time and time again, I remove them. There are also cases when I don't find a particular film from my list to watch so there's no point in keeping it on the list. 

When it comes to Julie & Julia, the film was on my list for a few months, but it kept calling me. I'm weak for real life inspired films and when I watched the trailer it looked so fun. 

Monday, September 07, 2020

The big cycle of procrastination

(Almost) No one is unfamiliar with this word, but for the sake of it and because I really like the dictionary format, I'm copy/pasting the definition a few paragraphs below. 

People sometimes get frustrated and upset with their procrastinating habits, and they turn to the big ol' Internet for tips and tricks on how to stop procrastinating. For me there seems to be only one thing that actually works, but first let's see what procrastination is and how the Internet suggests to combat it. 

Friday, September 04, 2020

The Agency series by Ada Maria Soto


There are those type of novels where you read the synopsis and think to yourself, hmm, this sounds interesting, action filled, funny, maybe cute, and you go read it expecting that. Only that you start reading and the novel is nothing like you expected it to be. 

That being said, if you don't already know anything about this series I encourage you to not read my 'review' and go straight to reading the series.