Monday, June 29, 2020

The people on the cover? No idea who they are.

There's that well known quote, we all know it, it says "don't judge a book by its cover" and I try, I really try not to judge it especially since more often than not the book proves to be way better than the cover. But at the same time I can't just ignore the cover, it is there for a reason, it was designed with a purpose, someone thought about it and made a decision, so I can't ignore it, but if I don't ignore it I can't help judging it. It's a mess.

The truth is a book cover, as I see it, is meant to make you want to pick up that book from the shelf, buy it and read it, then go for more. Some of the books I've read made me want to to the opposite, some of them I read with a "let's see how bad this is" mindset. Luckily, some proved to be amazing books that I enjoyed a lot.

Other books were exactly what I expected from the cover. The cover looked cheap, not thought about, some were downright repulsive to me, and the book was the same. I read some, rated them low, and some I gave up on entirely. There's just so much I can read before I feel like throwing the book into the sun.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Little Women—book vs movie

I've had this film on my watch list for a while. I don't know what made me want to watch it, most likely Emma Watson because I like watching the cast of HP in various movies and see how they manage to slip into another character. I don't know, I think they are great actors and I enjoy watching them in roles as diverse as possible. I don't go out of my way to do it, but if I come across a movie that looks interesting, why not.

So while I had Little Women on my watch list I happened to see the book in a store and I thought it would be fun to read the book then watch the movie and compare the two. What I did not know when I bought the book was that Little Women is a series. As I am not a fan of the genre I had no idea and no one bothered to specify that on the cover, I only got a hint about it on the very last page. There are two other books, Little Men and Jo's Boys that I have no interest in reading (I'll get to that).

Monday, June 22, 2020

About hate

There are those words that we like because they sound a certain way, they roll comfortably out of our mouths. Then there are those words we don't like, weird and ugly and sometimes we avoid saying them. 

And there is 'hate' that, if I look at it from an aesthetics point of view, it's not ugly, but it's not pretty either. It doesn't stand out in any way, it's just a word we have. If I look at it from a semantics point of view, 'hate' is an ugly word, it's exactly what it describes, and it's powerful. 

Friday, June 19, 2020

Hello My Love movie //what's wrong with Ho-jung?

I've had my eyes on this movie for a while now, but for some reason the best time I found to watch it was on a Thursday at 05AM while eating strawberries and cheesecake. When I decide on what movie to watch, I usually go on Letterboxd and look at the ratings, anything up to 2.4 stars is usually not worth it, anything above 3.3 stars is usually average and anything above 4.8 is close to bloody amazing. Hello My Love (about which I also wrote a review here if that's what you'd rather read, because on here I'm just going to throw eggs at the characters) is at about 3.3 so of course I think yes, this looks fun, I want to watch it. And then I started watching it and got really pissed at the main characters.

Monday, June 15, 2020

The Impostor Syndrome and Me

Lately I keep bumping into this term, the impostor syndrome, and it got me thinking. I knew about it before, I knew it might apply to me too, but I didn't really think about it. And I don't actually keep bumping into it, it's just one of those situation when you see something, think about it and then suddenly you notice it almost everywhere. That's called the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. Isn't it great how every single thing has a name and someone studied it and now we are able to understand it and act accordingly? Same with impostor syndrome, impostor phenomenon, fraud syndrome or impostorism how it's also known as.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Jack of Hearts (and Other Parts) (could be worse)

I'm not going to write a review for this book because I wrote one here. Instead I want to focus on a passage that I liked a lot and made me want to write about. But before that, Jack of Hearts (and Other Parts) by L. C. Rosen is a fantastic read, it might be one of the best books I read this year, it has everything and a little bit more. It is very well written, it offers some very good lessons and it is interesting, mysterious and touching.

About the passage I mentioned and that I'm going to copy/paste here, I would like to specify the page it is on too, but on ebooks apparently there are no pages, only percentages, so I'm only going to specify the chapter.

Monday, June 08, 2020

How I quit smoking

A while ago I saw an article with the exact same title as this one. At the time I was still smoking, so that was a few years ago, and I had no intention to quit then, but I still liked reading about it. The problem with that article is that the author talked everything about smoking and how bad it is and how beneficial it was for them to quit and said nothing, absolutely nothing about the how. It pissed me off. So dear author, if you ever come across this post, you suck, that was literally clickbait and, if you missed it the first time, you suck. 

Fun fact: it takes about six weeks for your body to get used to the missing nicotine.
Fun fact²: it takes about nine months for the lungs to recover after quitting smoking. 
Fun fact³: after quitting depends on you if you consider yourself as an ex-smoker or not.

Well then, now that I got that covered, shall we? 

Sunday, June 07, 2020

Blog Challenge! II // 10. Top 5 pieces of clothing

📷 ig
This is the final topic for my blog challenge and I must say I am glad I managed to do it all without it taking me way longer than necessary. I am also done with these type of posts for a while because although I enjoyed it a lot, I want to write about other stuff while trying to maintain a similar schedule. 

Going right into it, there are some items I wear depending on seasons, so I'm going to keep that in mind while writing about them. These are items I absolutely wear, that I like or that are practical. 

I also don't have a lot of clothes right now. I didn't take a lot of stuff with me when I moved and since everything has been closed these couple of months and I don't feel confident enough to order online, I mostly have a few winter clothes, three tops and no summer clothes. That being said, I'll think back to the items I  do have now or that are on my list to buy once things get calmer.