Thursday, April 30, 2020

Let's talk hygiene

I just read a funny post on instagram about how a customer in some coffee shop asked to have his coffee in a paper cup instead of porcelain because germs, the flu and whatnot and he didn't want to risk getting anything nasty. The barista explained to him that due to regulations the cup comes out of the washing machine basically sterile (where I work for example, we wash the dishes once by hand and then they go inside this big scary machine and get washed again with high pressure hot water and disinfectant/detergent). The customer didn't want to risk it so he got the paper cup. After having his coffee, out the door he was, on his merry way.

Now let's see what's wrong in this picture: 

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Blog Challenge! II // 04. People badmouthing other people

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I'm not sure what I was on when I wrote the topics (by topics I mean this topic) of this challenge, but since I did put this down, let's see what I can ramble on it. I think this is going to be a fun writing exercise, I'm going to try and view it as an essay of some sort. Or whatever else this might turn out to be.

Along with a lot of things I didn't really get to understand, there is also why people badmouth others. It happens everywhere to anyone, from family to friends, schoolmates, co-workers, to even strangers, people that you never met. The last category is the weirdest to me. Why would people badmouth someone they don't even know? What could one possibly say in such a situation? And what's the purpose?

Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Thin Blue Line

As I am certain most of you do as well, I keep looking for things to keep myself busy these days and since I obviously spend a lot of time at home, just me and my PC (and phone, ofc) I though it would be a great idea to watch some TV shows and anime. I actually managed to finish watching a few series and even picked up some I forgot about. I'm just not made for this ongoing thing, I have zero patience. I'm in agony now waiting for the new episode of Killing Eve

And while I've been agonizing, I looked another way. Besides anime that I am not going to write about now, I watched The Thin Blue Line. Not that movie that keeps popping up when you search the title, but the TV show. So let's see what's that line all about. 

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Blog Challenge! II // 03. Childhood Songs

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Oh boy! Childhood songs. Now that's a topic. I have a feeling I'm going to do quite a bit of youtube digging to find some of the songs. It's going to be fun. Yes, let the nostalgia come all over me. 

First of all, let's see who my favourites were. I had three favourites that I recall, there might have been more. 

Thursday, April 16, 2020

How to start a conversation

Occasionally, maybe once every six months, even less often, I get a random message on Instagram from random people. I suppose they either want to have a casual conversation, are a bot account, or try to hit on me. Whichever the reason is, I do not respond, and the reason lies in the initial message. Although, to be honest, sometimes people I know but don't follow send me messages and I ignore them, but that's another story. 

Here's why I don't consider replying.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Blog Challenge! II // 02. Describe yourself in three words

I don't know about you guys, but I was always bad at describing myself. Ever since the days of forums when your first post had to be an introductory post. Or at school when the teacher asked us what we did all summer, or in other settings where we have to introduce ourselves, when you make an account on a dating app (those of us who are hopeless and helpless) or even as simple as introducing yourself when learning a new language. I always, always sucked at it. I don't even know why. I've known myself since ever, how can I not be able to describe myself? 

I'm going to try and do it, and for that I'm going to pick three words that I feel best characterize me, and I'm also going to go into a bit of detail on each of those three words because I think most of the time just one word is not enough. I'll start with a positive word, then a negative word, and then a neutral word. 

Thursday, April 09, 2020

The Future is Now

On my recent trip at the store I kept hearing an announcement over the speakers. They were saying about an app you can download on your phone that allows you to scan your products, get them right into your bag and with everything already secured, you can go to the self checkout and pay. This happened at Sainsbury's. 

Oh, wait, I forgot to mention a few things. 

Sunday, April 05, 2020

Blog Challenge II // 01. How do you focus?

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We certainly live in a time when it's hard to focus. There are so many distractions: the TV, the phone on which we can see and learn about whatever interested us for so long (yet we tend to not do that) and so many sites and apps that we often open just by habit. 

I, for one, find myself opening a tab or an app, spend some time on it, get bored, close it and then open it again. I won't believe you if you tell me this never happened to you. Sometimes I have a certain site open in a tab on my browser and I open a new tab with the same site because I'm looking for something entertaining or fun. It's ridiculous! But the first step was made, I acknowledged it and now I'm working on it.

So how do I focus with all these distractions that I allowed to claim a big portion of my online activity? 

Focusing is really easy for me (motivation is something I struggle with) and it usually goes like this:

Thursday, April 02, 2020

Killing Eve

If you didn't watch Killing Eve yet, that's okay, no biggie. Maybe you didn't hear about it or maybe you had something else on your watch list. But fear not, now it's a great time to watch it! There are about 10 days until the start of the third season, so plenty of time to binge the first two. I didn't need two days to re-watch them, so we know it's doable.