Thursday, April 30, 2020

Let's talk hygiene

I just read a funny post on instagram about how a customer in some coffee shop asked to have his coffee in a paper cup instead of porcelain because germs, the flu and whatnot and he didn't want to risk getting anything nasty. The barista explained to him that due to regulations the cup comes out of the washing machine basically sterile (where I work for example, we wash the dishes once by hand and then they go inside this big scary machine and get washed again with high pressure hot water and disinfectant/detergent). The customer didn't want to risk it so he got the paper cup. After having his coffee, out the door he was, on his merry way.

Now let's see what's wrong in this picture: 
   01. Doors 
When you enter a shop, a restaurant, an establishment, you need to get through a door, right? You touch the door knob that hundreds of people touch every day, then you use those very hands to scratch your face and to touch the coffee cup the barista just gave you. Do you have any idea how often that door knob gets cleaned? Yeah, me either.

   02. Paper cup 
Why? Get your own reusable cup and ask the barista to make your coffee in that if you are so scared you'd get the flu because you drank a burning hot coffee at a coffee shop. Or better yet, make your own coffee at home. See? Problem solved and as a bonus: money saving.
   03. Money 
You get your wallet out and--
a. you pay by cash. Did you ever hear something along the lines money are the dirtiest? Yeah, that's not a metaphor. One single bill goes through thousands of hands once it leaves the bank. On a single bill reside almost all the germs. Do you wash your hands after you pay by cash, before you touch your cup? I doubt it. 
b. you pay by card. If you use your card contactless, great! But did it never happen for the contactless to just not work so you had to input your password and by doing so the cashier that touches money all day long had to put it inside the POS, and you had to touch the machine that hundreds of people touch daily? And you never go to the ATM, withdraw money, put them in your walled and then touch you card, getting those germs all over it? Myeah... Thought so. 
   04. Table 
So you get your paper cup and sit at the table, you maybe put your hand on the table as you sit, place your phone on the table, even your wallet that you then pick up again, and you touch your paper cup and use the very same fingers to wipe the coffee that drips after you drink, then lick them. Generally tables get cleaned up once a customer leaves, but no one disinfects them. They are usually wiped with a damp cloth so there is no coffee or food on the table, and we all know just water doesn't do shit to germs.

   05. Anything else 
During the day we meet a lot of people, maybe shake hands, hug and kiss their cheeks (because people have this stupid idea that people they know don't have a virus so they can't possibly take it from their sister or co-worker or best friend. Newsflash: viruses don't give a fuck about human relationships) and we touch all kind of objects: paper, pen, shopping cart, food wrappers, bottles, phone, mouse, keyboard, printer, remote control, any kind of buttons. Think about the objects you touched today and ask yourself when is the last time they were cleaned.  If ever.

So I say, fuck your paper cup, it doesn't do shit to keep you healthy, you are just wasting paper. Don't touch your face, don't lick your fingers (especially not when counting money, eww, gross!), and wash your fucking hands!

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