Sunday, May 31, 2020

Blog Challenge! II // 09. Recipe post

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At some point during my blogging adventure I thought about making a recipe series, writing easy and fast to make dishes. Of course, being a broke student at the time and with not many options, that idea didn't fly, so now I just write some if I feel like it.

What I should probably mention is that I am that type of home cooks who likes to experiment in the kitchen. Except for very few dishes I don't know if my food has the same taste every time I make it. But well, I like to think I'm a pretty good cook so that is not a problem.

Usually I like using the oven and if you don't I must ask why? I find it easier to cook things in the oven and they are often so delicious, everything from meats to baked vegetables (and those are so good). This time I won't write an oven recipe, though, I will write something I made a few days ago. I felt like eating fish and for some reason I had bought some surimi and kind prawns so yeah, that's the next best thing. This is the first time I ever made something with king prawns and it was so delicious, I have to share.

This should take anywhere in between 10 to 15 minutes to make, give or take. 

Friday, May 29, 2020


Following my recent decision of not being so adverse to TV shows, I decided to write about one of my favourite shows ever, and that is  sense8 . Part of this decision was helped by me constantly recommending this series left and right, so I thought I'd better plaster it on my blog (again because I actually wrote about it before, but that was just after I had watched the first season and the review is in Romanian) before I manage to really annoy someone.

I know this series is not a general favourite. I mean, it was cancelled after just two seasons because it didn't attract a wide enough audience, which is a shame in my humble opinion, but it is what it is and I am free to re-watch it as many times as I please.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Blog Challenge! II // 08. What do you do when you are feeling lost?

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I am happy to say I haven't felt lost in a long while. I think that when I typed this challenge I was feeling rather lost, hence this topic. Since this is not the case anymore, I'm going to try and remember what I did do (I'll leave out one particular episode) when I was feeling lost. 

This might become a mix  what I did and what I wish I would have done, but, well, aren't most things like that? Same as me, I'm certain you too have some things that you think about and wish you would have done something differently. But don't dwell too much on them, what's done is done. Instead let's type them out and share them so we can inspire others. 

I won't go into the seriousness of it because, really, who is to say what is serious and to what degree? Same shit affects us differently. What is serious to me is a breeze to you and vice-versa. 

But enough fussing around, let's get to it. 

Friday, May 22, 2020

I think I'm in love

Not with another person, but with the sea. Here, let me explain.

Last time I wrote about my birthday I was pretty sad and worried. I was all alone (not that I am not alone now too, but a different kind of alone), and a bit angry at the world, at how mean and cruel people are (that is still valid, sadly), but I also tried to  remind myself that not everyone is awful. 

If I think about it I actually see more funny and uplifting things on social media than bleak, dark news. 

But this is not what I want to write about now. 

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Blog Challenge! II // 07. Mornings

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I have a complicated relationship with mornings. Everyone who knows me, knows I'm pretty much a night owl. I function best at night, I find it easier to concentrate, I'm basically at my peak in the evening or late at night. 

I also love sleeping in. I get the best rest in the early hours of the morning to up until just before noon. 

That being said, I am not the biggest fan of mornings, but at the same time I really like them. 

Wait, I can explain.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Marshals series by Mary Calmes

A while ago, sometime in February, I read the Marshals series by Mary Calmes, and these days I finally published all the reviews I wrote about the series on Yaoi Otaku . If you want, you can read them all on YO, if not, this post is going to basically be a summary of what I wrote on YO. I guess? It's probably going to be more like a what's it about because my hatred for spoilers inhibits me from actually letting loose. Maybe let me know if I managed to spark your interest or not.

Before I go into it, the Marshals series was first published in 2014, the fourth and last volume being published in 2018. Yes, there are four books, five if we count the short novella that I'm going to talk about in a few paragraphs, and sadly there is no news or hint of a sequel. 

If you plan on reading the series and don't like spoilers, maybe don't read the whole post, read perhaps only about the first book of the series if you are not yet convinced you want to read it. I will try not to give any spoilers, but I feel like reading about the other books might spoil the fun. 

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Blog Challenge! II // 06. Are things how you imagined they will be?

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No, not really. 

I think most of you can relate if I say I had quite big dreams when I was little and as I grew up, before reality hit me like a musty tomato thrown to my face. And I did have quite the dreams, oh, yes. I dreamed about having my own place, about travelling to see the world, about having friends to go out with. Stuff like that. I also dreamed about all the things I would accomplish, not big, but important for me at the time. 

Did any of these actually happen? Nope. Not quite But it's not all that bad. 

Thursday, May 07, 2020

Favourite Instagram art accounts

As promised, here I am with the second wave of links. I mentioned in my previous post about my favourite Instagram photography accounts (check them out if you haven't yet), that I am going to put up a list and post my favourite art accounts. Now, most of these artists can also be found on sites like twitter and/or tumblr if you don't have an Instagram account, so fear not, beautiful art shall be seen. 

Sunday, May 03, 2020

Blog Challenge! II // 05. Favourite Instagram accounts

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This is the post I was mostly looking forward to write, and the one that actually helped me decide to pick up this challenge from the drafts and get it going. 

I made an Instagram account mainly to be able to follow my favourite artists. One artist. I made it so I can follow Ruki, okay, I admit it! And for a while that and about two others were the only accounts I was following. Then I'm not quite sure what happened, but somewhere along the way I realised I can both follow people that take incredible pictures and can upload my own pictures, and that was it. I started following even more people, I upload sometimes when I remember I have a lot of pictures crammed into a folder and I was actually looking forward to share some of my favourites.

Initially I was thinking about splitting this post in two, but I kinda changed my mind. I wanted to link both photography accounts and art accounts, but I think each category deserves it's own post, so instead I'm going to write here about my favourite photography accounts and later this week I'm going to post a list of my favourite art accounts. I think they deserve their own post, and also because I just have a feeling I'm going to throw a lot of links at you.