Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Lockdown vs 'normal'

I am one of those people that had no issue staying inside the house for three months. I really enjoyed myself, I was happy to write on blog, write RP and read a lot. I also picked up some tricks concerning shopping so that I would go out only when necessary. It was great.

Now I started work again and I've been going on a spending spree that I don't know how to feel about. I am not totally reckless; about a month after the shops opened, I first stepped into one and that only because I started working again and I really needed some stuff for work. It kinda went crazy from there.

To be fair, when I moved I only took with me a small suitcase with a handful of clothes, most of them winter clothes, I had nothing for summer, not even a pair of shorts, so I went on and got that along with some other items. This isn't a problem, but I have a blouse that I haven't even worn yet, so I've decided that I'm stopping from buying clothes. No more clothes buying and no more shoes buying until the season changes. At least!

I thought I picked up some good habits during lockdown (three whole months!), but here I am. I had a feeling that this was going to happen, that I'd lose control for a while, but that's it, I'm putting a stop to it now, before it goes too far. I'm thinking about going back to my lockdown habits, the only difference being that I have to go to work now, but I see no reason with continuing buying food once or twice a week and not buying anything else besides that. At this point I only need some more socks, but other than that I'm good.

I'm sure there is a perfectly logical explanation for this behaviour, it's not long until papers are going to be written on the subject (if they haven't yet), but I'm not gonna dwell on it. The important thing is recognising there's an issue and acting on it. After all, why do we even need that many clothes? There were lines at the stores the day they opened and I don't understand why. I, for one, would be perfectly fine with a handful of clothes, enough that there's a little diversity, but not too overwhelming so I spend a lot of time staring at the closet not knowing what to pick.

So yeah, while adjusting to whatever is normal I'm going to retake my lockdown habits (especially the reading part, I haven't been really doing that since starting work), they are much more efficient.

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